
Georgia Justice Project 

Our founders traveled to Atlanta Georgia in Spring of 2022 to immerse themselves in the operations of the Georgia Justice Project, which serves as an ideal model for transformative criminal defense. Our relationship with GJP continues to deepen and offer both moral and practical support to our formation process. 

CSU Chico 

BDEP is mindful of the great good fortune to be in connection with a world class educational institution. In 2022-2023, we welcomed two Masters students (one in Social Work and one in Public Administration) as well as a student earning her Bachelors in Social Work. Our MPA intern developed a basic grant application and established our basic administrative structures. The internships provided a connective relationship between BDEP staff and Chico State faculty, and planted seeds for further collaboration. 

North Valley Community Foundation 

Our founders Maitreya Badami and Peter Washington each participated in leadership programming sponsored by NVCF, which fostered relationships among a wide variety of local leaders. NVCF also invited BDEP to participate in their non-profit incubator which enabled us to receive donations prior to the establishment of our 501(c)(3) status. We look forward to future opportunities to collaborate and learn from one another.


Social Work Program Development

