“Without justice there can be no love. If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice.”

- bell hooks

Peter Washington Peter Washington

Community Outreach

Community building is crucial to our development - we have to see each other to help one another. BDEP is always looking for opportunities to engage with and learn from the people within the local community who are most impacted by the criminal legal system. Want to set up a listening session or community event? Contact us.

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Sarah Obenauer Sarah Obenauer


We are excited to collaborate with Georgia Justice Project, CSU Chico, and North Valley Community Foundation.

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Sarah Obenauer Sarah Obenauer


In January 2023, BDEP hosted a regional forensic training for criminal defense attorneys put on by the State Public Defenders Indigent Defense Improvement Division.

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Sarah Obenauer Sarah Obenauer


BDEP is continually seeking grant opportunities and individual donations.

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Sarah Obenauer Sarah Obenauer

Office Space

We will be building out our space at 330 Wall St. to accommodate our growing organization.

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Sarah Obenauer Sarah Obenauer

Strategic Planning

BDEP engaged Lindsay Miller, a strategic planning consultant who specializes in non-profit development, to support our growth.

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Want to get involved?

Learn more about our needs and how you can get involved with our organization.